Use the Manuals On-Line service to upgrade your internal manuals to include all the same features and benefits of WinDOT

About Manuals On-Line
Have great subject matter experts, but need great experts that can design, develop, and deliver electronic manuals?
Manuals On-Line was born from customer requests asking us to provide them the same great features and benefits of WinDOT, but for their internal manuals.
With over 25 years of a dedicated focus on delivering professional electronic pipeline safety manuals, we are the right partner to improve your manuals!
Consolidate and link all of your documents for easy online access
Link manuals sections to applicable federal and state regulations
Include a cross reference of manuals sections to government regulations
Powerful navigation, filtering, and search features superior to PDF
Access your manuals from any device, anywhere, anytime
Control which users and groups can access specific content
Benefit from a managed service that's the "easy button" for your manuals
Access to our compliance auditing and manual writing services
Please read more about Manuals On-Line below and then use the buttons to test drive our live Manuals On-Line demo site, schedule a personalized demonstration, or contact us today!
We have amazing subject matter experts, but we don't have the expertise in house to create and maintain professional manuals. ViaData does that for us!
How the service works
Manuals On-Line is a fully-managed service hosted by ViaData to assure your manuals are high quality and always available to your users. Here is a high-level summary of how it works.
Send us your existing electronic manual files (Word, PDF, etc)
If requested, we audit for compliance and accuracy
If requested, we write, rewrite, consolidate existing manuals
We can implement all documents with Manuals On-Line
We host your manuals on our servers with your brand
You get a console to manage users and their document access
You submit changes to us as needed
We make the changes usually within one business day
The Manuals On-Line service can be fully customized to satisfy your specific manual requirements. Please contact us today to discuss your unique manuals project.

ViaData reviewed our manuals for accuracy and completeness, sorted them into appropriate topics, and converted them to a much better user interface.

Staying in Compliance
Requirements for written procedures are included throughout Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations:
Part 192 - Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline
Part 193 - Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities
Part 195 - Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipeline
During routine inspections or audits, or after an incident, PHMSA or state regulators will review an operator's written procedures. An operator can be cited for missing, inadequate, inaccessible, overly general, or out-of-date procedures. Some enforcements result in substantial civil penalties.
ViaData offers services to create the manuals you need, either from scratch, or by reviewing/restructuring your existing manuals to ensure compliance, so you avoid costly penalties.
From our 25 years of experience producing WinDOT at the federal and state levels, we are fully aware of the requirements, and we understand how they are enforced.
With Manuals On-Line, both staff and management know the information they are using is the most current version, and not inaccurate, outdated or incomplete.
Increasing accessibility to our O&M procedures makes our work force more informed, enhancing our efforts to deliver natural gas safely and reliably.

Content Filtering
Do you have content within your manuals that is only relevant to certain users by their location, job description, or company division?
Manuals On-Line offers content filtering that allows you to de-clutter your manuals based on users or groups of users. You can choose any criteria for the filtering. Try an example now of filtering by states in this demo example.
Being able to filter content greatly reduces the potential for confusion by the users of the manuals, thereby reducing safety risk.
ViaData's technology offered us the best solution for our documentation projects.
Role and User Based Access
With Manuals On-Line, you can control which users, or groups of users, have access to specific documents in your manuals.
This feature is particularly useful for narrowing down your manuals to just the relevant materials needed for audits by regulators.
Manuals On-Line offers an administration console for adding and deleting user accounts, and assigning documents quickly and easily to those users.

Linking our internal manuals to the government regulations made it easier for our staff to reference the required information so they do the right thing, and do the thing right.

Federal and State Code Links
Do your users often access federal and state pipeline safety regulations while working with your internal manuals?
That is a very common requirement of our Manuals On-Line customers, so we provide both a special page to access the government regulations, as well as links to state and federal codes throughout the manuals text for quick access.
View examples of live embedded regulations links by clicking here.
View the federal and state regulations page by clicking here.
The regulatory cross reference was exceptionally useful during our last compliance inspection.
Federal and State Cross Reference
Manuals On-Line customers find great value in the cross reference table we include to link specific sections of their manuals to federal and state regulations.
The cross reference helps the users of the manuals get what they need quickly and easily, and also helps compliance audits for their Operations and Maintenance manuals go smoother.
Click here to see a federal and state regulations cross reference in action in our line Manuals On-Line demo.

Preparing for audits used to be very time consuming and stressful, but the audit trail with links to old and new information in Manuals On-line made it a lot easier, and the system has proven to be very popular with regulatory agencies.

History & Audit Trails
All Manuals On-Line include master tables that gives an overall version history and audit trails for each version provide the history of changes made since the manual's inception.
The review tables show who reviewed the manuals, which topics they reviewed, and the date of the review.
The revision tables show the revision number, the descriptions of the changes, and the date of the change. The audit trails for each version provide complete before-and-after markup showing all revisions in context.
Click here to see a live example of change tracking.
Time is money and using Manuals On-Line saves us a great amount of time and frustration.
Navigation Features
Clickable reference links to the pertinent manual section
Manuals are organized by easy-to-use table of contents
The context sensitive glossary includes inline definitions
Accessible from any web browser enabled device
Print manual sections directly to your printer
Cut and paste into documents and emails

With the advanced search capabilities of Manuals On-Line, we no longer stress over the length of our procedures because the users can quickly and easily find what they need now.

Powerful Search Features
With the sheer size of manuals these days, a powerful search tool is important to help save time, effort, and frustration locating the information your users need.
Manuals On-Line includes simple search features, as well as advanced Boolean search features with AND, OR, and AND NOT capabilities that make it easy to narrow the results to just the materials you need to assure safety and compliance of your pipelines.